Smythe says “Thank you, Victoria!” for her vote against impeachment

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Dear Editor:

Last week, within hours of the impeachment vote in the House, the one that our new Congresswoman Victoria Spartz voted against, my phone was blowing up with Never Trumpers asking me WTH. Seems my constant assurances that when the time came, she would do the right thing has different meaning to different people.

I do not take any credit for her vote on impeachment, but I will acknowledge I did send her a text message advising of the same (admittedly not with the same degree of baby splitting as her) based simply on the fact – there was nothing for her to gain by voting in favor of impeachment.

A week later, and witnessing how the GOP at large reacted to those that did vote for impeachment, I remain confident my advice, and her decision, was the right one.

The Wyoming GOP censured the third-ranking member of GOP House leadership because she had the temerity to do what her conscience demanded.

The GOP has lost their collective minds.

The AZ GOP party just censured their sitting Governor along with the widow of John McCain and former Senator Jeff Flake.

The HamCo GOP could not bring themselves to publicly rebuke nor punish one of their own County Councilors that pleaded guilty to destroying a fellow GOP primary opponents’ sign. Yet all over the country the GOP is punishing elected candidates for doing their sworn oath.

Emotions are running high all throughout the country right now, but the Trump cult is not chastened as a result of his effort to incite an insurrection to overturn the election results. My observation is quite the opposite. Thus, as a newly elected representative from a highly competitive district (thanks Trump), Victoria needs to navigate the next two years with great caution. The parts of the district north of HamCo love Trump and will punish her for anything they view as “disloyal.” Those of us in HamCo and south (as is currently drawn) are not big fans of Trumpism nor his cult of personality politics.

My advice is for her to continue to do what she feels is the right thing for this country and this 5th District – not what is in the best interest for a twice-impeached disgraced ex-President.

Bill Smythe


Political Consultant/Lobbyist and 2016 GOP candidate for County Commissioner