Huskies, Shamrocks girls team up for cancer fight

Hamilton Heights girls varsity and junior varsity players and coaches pose for a picture after the recent inaugural Pink Out basketball game for Breast Cancer awareness and support. Money raised from the event will be donated to the IWIN Foundation in Indianapolis. (Photo provided by Hamilton Heights Schools Corporation)

The Hamilton Heights girls basketball team, joined by their opponent, the Westfield Shamrocks, honored individuals battling breast cancer at the first “Pink Out for Breast Cancer.”

As part of the event, the team raised funds totaling more than $2,000 for the IWIN Foundation.

The IWIN Foundation supports individuals statewide receiving treatment for breast cancer by relieving emotional, physical and financial burdens.

Event organizer and Hamilton Heights senior Jillian Osswald said, “It’s a moment I wish I could relive. The support was tremendous and we really appreciate everyone stepping up and helping us out with this special awareness event. To top it off, we had a tough but fun game.”

Attendance was limited due to COVID restrictions in accordance with Indiana State Department of Health guidelines, so the recognition of local breast cancer warriors will be rescheduled for halftime later in the season.

The team extended a special thanks to the athletic department, Beaver Materials (event sponsor), Erika’s Place, 10 West, Jeff McCorkle at Farmers Mutual Insurance Agency in Tipton, and to all those who contributed in some way to make the event impactful.