From the desk of Superintendent Derek Arrowood


Hamilton Heights Superintendent

Update #44 from Dr. Derek Arrowood, Superintendent, Hamilton Heights School Corporation

The first full week of transition to our new hybrid learning model for grades 5 through 12 went smoothly. In fact, very smoothly. The way our staff and students have embraced this new model is a testament to their support of our efforts to keep students and educators healthy, safe, and in the classroom as much as we can.

We were optimistic that starting with the hybrid schedule on Jan. 4 would give us the best chance of providing a degree of continuity with in-person learning without putting our students and staff at risk of contracting the COVID-19 virus. This model seems to make the most sense until our county is out of the red zone and the pandemic subsides enough to allow for full in-person instruction. I firmly believe this model will help us to best manage and prevent any potential spread of the virus in our schools for the next two months.

January is School Board Appreciation Month. I am making a big deal about it because those individuals who comprise our school board are a big deal and invaluable assets to our school district. As I reflect upon the past year, School Board Appreciation Month means much more this year. One of the great things learned through this pandemic is the importance of appreciating the people and relationships we have in our lives.

Among the many things our school board is tasked with is setting the vision and goals for the district and adopting policies that give the district direction to set priorities and achieve those goals. They have been doing a great job under incredibly challenging circumstances. They have helped guide the ship through unchartered waters on decisions that impact the whole district, as well as in the options and opportunities we can continue to reasonably and safely offer our students inside and outside the classroom. Please join me in thanking them for their vision and voice in helping to shape a better tomorrow at Hamilton Heights every single day.

Monday is Dr. Martin Luther King Day. Dr. King was born on Jan. 15, 1929, and his birthday has been recognized as a national holiday since 1984. It was officially designated a National Day of Service in 1994. Dr. King, a civil rights pioneer, fought for equality and justice. We should all seek to match his commitment to the betterment of our nation.

Now more than ever, we need to be reminded of Dr. King’s legacy to work together to find fair and equitable solutions for some of our most pressing local, state and national problems. One of the best tributes we can make in honor of Dr. King, not just on Monday, but every day, is serving others. With school in session on Monday, our focus and emphasis will be on Dr. King’s life, legacy, good citizenship and civic responsibility.

I encourage our students, employees, and community to consider one of Dr. King’s most urgent, pressing and timeless questions: “What are you doing for others?”
