My ACL injury


Sheridan High School Student

Editor’s Note: The Sheridan Student Column is brought to readers by Sheridan High School’s 10th grade English class, taught by Abby Williams.

I have played sports for as long as I can remember. I play basketball, softball and volleyball. I used to play on a travel softball team for three years, and I also played on a travel basketball team for three years.

Last year at the start of basketball season, I was practicing and I stopped on my leg quickly and I heard a pop. I couldn’t get up and walk, so I just lay there and my coach carried me off the court. My mom picked me up and took me to the emergency room; they checked me out and said I didn’t tear anything. It was probably just a hyperextension in the back of my knee. So I went through physical therapy and my knee was not getting any better.

I continued to play basketball with a knee brace. I played some softball and I also played the whole volleyball season. I came home icing my knee every day because of how bad it hurt. My mom decided to take me to a specialist to see why it wasn’t getting any better. The specialist told us to get an MRI to get a better look inside my knee. I didn’t realize how long MRIs took. I was lying there for a long time. The specialist said it looked like some kind of tear in my ACL, and he suggested we go to a different doctor that specializes in tendons and ligaments.

We found Dr. Shelbourne. He explained to us that I completely tore my ACL and I needed surgery as quickly as possible. I was devastated that I couldn’t play basketball this year. However, I did need the surgery so I would be able to play sports. During my pre-op visit, he explained to us what they were going to do. They opened up my right leg and took a piece of my patellar tendon out to put in my left leg. The graft from my right leg is now my new ACL in my left leg. We also went through all of the stretches I would be doing for the next week. On Oct. 26, I had surgery.

After surgery, I had to stay in bed for seven days and only get up to use the bathroom. For my left leg, I had a machine that would bend it 24/7. For my right leg, I had two pillows stacked up so my leg was elevated at all times.

I have been doing tons of physical therapy. I’m about a month and a half in, and I feel really good and confident I’ll be able to play soon. As I sit out during basketball season, I will be able to watch everything that is going on. I can learn from other people’s mistakes and help out teammates.