Morris has questions about certain Brainard campaign donors and why they “fail to pay their taxes on time”

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Dear Editor:

Another paper tells us that Mayor Brainard’s campaign manager has been hired by the Carmel Redevelopment Commission. Her duties include attracting and retaining top companies in Carmel, with a focus on downtown and the U.S. 31 corridor.

Henry Mestetsky said: “The fact that she was the mayor’s former campaign manager is a positive.”

I would like her to start by determining why certain campaign donors and/or people attached to the Brainard Crony Gravy Train, or at least being located in what has become the Arts & Design District, fail to pay their taxes on time.

The architect for the new police station rents from a landlord that has been late on taxes two or the past three years, plus Breakfast Club LLC, Carmel Library Associates, Henderson & Henderson LLC, E Lurie LLC, and even that shining beacon of economic development and TIF, Sophia Square, all just on Main Street in our thriving downtown, have also not paid on time in that same window at least once.

Maybe Ms. Sisko can ask these people, with whom I assume she is friends, to help ensure we are providing all of the necessary resources for them to remain and succeed, if in fact the tax rates themselves are the problem. Yet I continually hear how low our taxes are.

She’d earn that $93,000 by sorting that out.

Eric Morris


1 Comment on "Morris has questions about certain Brainard campaign donors and why they “fail to pay their taxes on time”"

  1. Kevin Quinlan | January 10, 2021 at 6:20 pm |

    Gee something a “BIT OFF FINANCIALLY” with Brainard? That’s a first……or one hundred twentieth……………….

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