Heights celebrates School Board Recognition Month

(From left) Arnett Cooper, Gretchen Pennington, Dr. Kevin Cavanaugh, Julie Davis and Doug Ozolins were recognized and honored for their work to ensure the best possible education experience for all students at Hamilton Heights. (Photo provided)

January is National School Board Appreciation Month, and Dr. Derek Arrowood, Hamilton Heights School Corporation Superintendent, took a few minutes at Wednesday’s board meeting to recognize and express his appreciation to the corporation’s school board members – past and present.

“Our school board members exemplify local citizen control and decision making in education,” Dr. Arrowood said. “They volunteer hundreds of hours and an immeasurable amount of energy to assure that our schools are providing the best education possible for the children of our community. They are citizens whose decisions affect our children – what they learn, who will teach them, and what kinds of facilities house their classrooms. With the advice and counsel of the educational professionals they hire, our school board has an incredible impact on virtually every aspect of corporation. We are incredibly fortunate to have the caliber of individuals who comprise our five-member school board.”

“On behalf of the staff and students at Hamilton Heights, we are asking our local citizens to take a moment to thank our school board members for caring about our children’s education,” he continued. “We salute the Hamilton Heights School Board whose dedication and civic responsibility make local control of public schools in our community possible and whose contributions truly make Hamilton Heights a destination of choice for their child’s education. We applaud them for their vision and voice in helping to shape a better tomorrow every single day.”

Heights school board members include Dr. Kevin Cavanaugh, Arnett Cooper, Julie Davis, Doug Ozolins and Gretchen Pennington.

“We also want to thank and recognize the work and contributions of Laura Reuter,” Dr. Arrowood added. “She did not seek re-election and stepped down from her seat at the end of 2020 after 12 years of service to the school corporation.”