Representative Victoria Spartz (R-Ind.-05) released the following statement on her decision to vote for certification of the Electoral College votes.

“We are going through some turbulent and dangerous times in our history,” said Rep. Spartz. “I am extremely upset and worried about the future of our country as are many Hoosiers I represent, but my oath to our Constitution is paramount to the future of our Republic.
“Whatever the irregularities and politically motivated election law changes in certain states, two wrongs do not make a right, and Congress cannot overrule millions of votes certified by those states. It’s a threat to our federalist system and would play into the hands of those seeking to end the Electoral College.
“President Trump has done incredible things for our country and I share the disappointment of millions of Hoosiers in the outcome of the 2020 election, but ultimately, the recourse is with the American people, at the ballot box, in the next election as it has been for the last 200 years.”
I appreciate your comment on certification of electoral votes for this election. You have been able to put the sanctity of our constitution above partisan politics. Although I don’t always agree with your positions it helps to know you follow the constitution’s directives in difficult situations.
Deb Vine
Thank you for explaining your position on the certification of electoral votes. The “irregularities and politically motivated election law changes in certain states” continue the voter fraud lie that has been disproven 80+ times in the courts and election officials of each state. By continuing the rhetoric your are stoking anger and fueling conspiracy theories. It is not helpful.