Briggs: This was a tainted election

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Dear Editor:

Our president gave an eloquent 46-minute speech on Dec. 2. He was sincerely pleading to the American people about the situation at hand and the consequences of this very tainted election.

In the beginning, he explained how he has been attacked continuously since his inauguration with the Russia collusion, the $48 million Muller report, and the false impeachment scenario and was found innocent of the crimes.

His main purpose of this speech was focusing on the 2020 election fraud. Our president was ahead in the race around 10 p.m., but in the wee hours the numbers changed. Models showed the jump for Biden in Michigan at 6:31 a.m. and in Wisconsin at 3:42 a.m.

It was found that Republican poll observers were also abused and even forced out of the counting rooms while the fraud was happening. The state of Georgia lied about a busted water pipe and shooed everyone out of the counting room except for four women who pulled out suitcases hidden under the tables and proceeded to add the illegal ballots with no observers.

In other states ballot harvesting was evident. There were mail-in ballots coming from commercial addresses, voting by dead persons, voting with the same person’s name over and over, opened unfolded ballots that were fed into the machines more than once, no signature checks, and a Dominion machine that was programmed to flip Trump votes for Biden.

Where did these ballots come from and who delivered them at the last moment? Who are the someones who made the decision to cheat all Americans in this election?

This election is so corrupt, and the many who are involved in its corruption are jeopardizing the security of our nation and disenfranchising the votes of all voters, whether you voted for Trump or Biden. When you take an election away from the American people, you allow the voice of freedom to die.

Mari Briggs


2 Comments on "Briggs: This was a tainted election"

  1. Mari Briggs, you summed it up perfectly. I might add that when Bill Barr continues to cite “no evidence” regarding the matter, in spite of a PREPONDERANCE of same,…the entire Constitutional structure becomes even more fragile. Barr also claims a “lack of evidence” regarding the Biden family fiasco. If the federal government won’t or can’t protect us from the Bidens, Swallwells, Pelosis and Feinsteins, all heavily invested with Chinese corporations, either through their own direct dealings or those of their spouses…..the entire USA, its people, soveriegnty is simply a ticking time bomb. It’s not a matter of ‘if’, rather ‘when’ and ‘how’. Those that refute it or deny it will go down with thevrest of us. If nothing else, DJT was the watchman on the wall, he blew his ‘trump’…many powerful people didn’t want to hear it. Oddly enough, similar to the IU football program. The power structure will do whatever it can to minimize the program’s giant leap forward. Former AD, Fred Glass, agrees.

  2. Dear Bradford Reed, Thank you for your positive reply. We need to fight for our country NOW! I have written letters to the editor, mentioned this to friends and some agreed and some of my letters sent to other periodicals may not have been printed. The United States of America is on the edge. We need to contact our Indiana Legislators about this concern, so if anyone is reading this, please contact them now. Whether you voted for our president or Biden, we were disenfranchised by what the wrongdoers did in the states of Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan and South Carolina. I may have missed one. And if you readers have family and friends in other states, get on them to contact their Legislators about how all Americans were wronged in this election and to do something about it! And thank you The Hamilton County Reporter for printing my letter and replies.

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