Illinois reader takes note of potentially entertaining 2024 Republican primary

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Dear Editor:

President Trump’s reluctance to concede defeat after the Nov. 3 election reminded me of a picture my dad showed me of Sewell Avery, chairman of Montgomery Ward. Avery, a renowned businessman in the early 1900s, ran afoul of President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal program initiatives by refusing to settle a strike in 1944.

Roosevelt’s administration removed Avery with two soldiers hoisting him by the arms from his office. Dad’s photo showed Avery being carried out in a sitting position looking defiant and smug, confident that he was doing his customers and investors proud. During these strange times it’s tempting to muse about President Trump exiting the same way.

Avery’s absence was temporary and he quickly returned to work. It’s too soon to know if Trump will do the same, but he has hinted at a 2024 presidential run.

That would be interesting. Several Trump loyalists – Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, Chris Christie and Nikki Haley – also have an eye on 2024. I’m curious to see if their allegiance to Trump will endure once they all become rivals for the Republican presidential nomination. Include fair-weather supporters like Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz and you have the ingredients for some primary debate fireworks. Watching the upstarts politely push Trump aside could be entertaining.

Democrats snickering about poetic justice shouldn’t gloat, but can you blame them?

Jim Newton

Itasca, Ill.

1 Comment on "Illinois reader takes note of potentially entertaining 2024 Republican primary"

  1. Jim Newton, Why should President Trump concede to this rigged election that he fully won? Removing a president who has supported the American people for a former vice president who has done nothing for the American people is sinister. Snickering Democrats have blood on their hands with their treasonous involvement in an election that was not finalized by honest voters but by zombie machines controlled by election officials who broke the law.

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