HSE Schools begins tough discussions about budget


Certain members of the staff around Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) Schools will begin meeting on Dec. 16 as a budget study task force, with the goal of finding $5 million in spending cuts during the 2021-2022 school year. The state funds local schools based on enrollment, and local student enrollment is down this school year.

HSE Schools Chief Financial Officer Cecilie Nunn told the school board Wednesday night that districts around the state are seeing a drop in enrollment, largely due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The board unanimously put its seal of approval on the purpose and guiding principles for the task force.  That includes reviewing and considering all programs, exploring innovations in delivering programs and using attrition if a reduction-in-force is necessary.

The task force is scheduled to update the board monthly and submit its final recommendations to the superintendent in February, with the board receiving the final task force report for a vote March 24.

In another budget-related action, the board voted to freeze the automatic, incremental pay raises built into the system and allow a 1 percent increase in the pay scale for administrators and support staff.  This is effective Jan. 1, 2021.

Click here to see a listing of those serving on the budget study task force.