It’s the little things


After last week’s column filled with grumbles and grouchiness, an announcement from my mom’s assisted living facility was a welcome sight. They asked residents’ families and friends to drop off outdoor Christmas decorations by this weekend to surprise their loved ones and bring holiday cheer.

I was IN!

I eagerly pulled into Hobby Lobby’s parking lot last Saturday morning, which of course was full. After donning my mask, I entered the bustling store and began to leisurely stroll its aisles.

My husband John will tell you, I RARELY “leisurely stroll” through a store. I normally despise crowds, which has actually been pretty handy during this pandemic. My typical trip to a store involves me quickly honing in on what I want and escaping as soon as possible. I run a business and take care of my mom, house, and family – there’s not much time in my life for this stuff.

But I carved out an hour that morning in order to scout out the perfect things to make my mother smile. See, Mom loves to decorate. Growing up, our house looked like something you’d see in a magazine. I have numerous memories of going to art and craft shows with her as a child/teenager.

Mom would leisurely stroll through the aisles and booths while I bristled with impatience (do you see a trend there?) Looking back, I wish I hadn’t felt that way and instead enjoyed that time with her more. I’d love to go to a craft show with her now, but with her health and COVID-19, that can’t happen.

She always found the perfect thing for a book, shelf, table, etc. Mom had wanted to study interior design in college when she was younger, but her parents wouldn’t allow her to go to Purdue, so she didn’t continue her studies.

I didn’t appreciate her special gifts and talent until I went away to college myself. When I came home for Christmas breaks, my heart and soul would nearly burst when I stepped through the front door and saw the tree and other decorations. I loved each and every detail.

I couldn’t go back to those days last Saturday. But I could take my time, enjoy myself, and find the perfect décor. Mom’s small patio is on an interior courtyard, so she doesn’t have room for anything huge.

Soon I found a cheerful elf, a light-up snowman, and a little Christmas tree to go between them. I texted a photo of all three to my sister. Vicky is creative like Mom in these things, and I was happy to get her approval.

I was practically giddy when I dropped off some groceries and the decorations for Mom last Tuesday. I’d love to be a fly on the wall to see her reactions and those of others when they look out their doors and windows this weekend.

That’s what we have to do now more than ever, folks – do those little things to bring joy to others during this pandemic. I guarantee you’ll feel just as good, if not better, than the person receiving them.