Fishers Health Department says Hamilton County will likely enter state’s red risk category in a week or two

I try to watch the weekly video updates from the Fishers Health Department, hoping for some glimmer of hope on the status of COVID-19 in our city. Sadly, the Dec. 8 numbers are grim.


“I would not be surprised if (Hamilton) County went to red in the next one to two weeks based on the state’s metrics,” said Fishers Public Health Director Monica Heltz in a video posting. Red is the highest risk category for coronavirus.

Heltz listed plenty of numbers in the Dec. 8 update. Here is one: November shows 2,100 COVID cases in Fishers (more case reports for November are coming in). That is triple the number of cases compared to October.

Another statistic of concern centers on hospital capacity, which continues to decline, according to Heltz. Intensive Care Units were at 23 percent availability last week. That number is 20 percent this week.

In the past week, Fishers has recorded 565 COVID cases and one death.

There are many more numbers. To hear about them all, you can watch the nearly six-minute video at this link.

2 Comments on "Fishers Health Department says Hamilton County will likely enter state’s red risk category in a week or two"

  1. Mary Western | January 3, 2021 at 9:29 am |

    When will Fishers residents receive the COVID Vaccine?

  2. Mary Western | January 3, 2021 at 9:30 am |

    When will the Covid Vaccine be available for Fishers residents?

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