“Don’t Leave It to Beaver” issues statement following Beaver Materials’ withdraw of gravel pit rezone request


Editor’s note: The Don’t Leave It to Beaver grassroots organization that has been advocating against the proposed gravel pit near Potter’s Bridge Park recently released the following statement to citizens of Noblesville and all of Hamilton County. The Reporter is printing the statement in its entirety. Please note that the following does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hamilton County Reporter newspaper, its publisher or its staff.

We are relieved that Beaver Materials has withdrawn its zoning request with the City of Noblesville. However, as we await an updated proposal in early 2021, Don’t Leave It to Beaver will continue to watch the public record for updated documents related to the gravel pit.

We are prepared to continue the fight as long as it takes to protect our community from this gravel pit.

Don’t Leave It to Beaver is thankful for the Noblesville citizens who lent their voice to the chorus of opposition. We are thankful for every citizen who wrote or spoke to their elected officials. We’re thankful for the thousands of people who signed the paper and online petitions.

We’re thankful for the people who protested on street corners and for those who attended our prayer vigil in person or in spirit. Thank you to all who put up a yard sign, and to all who educated their friends, neighbors, and family on the risks this project posed to our community.

We’re not giving up. As we work together to evaluate next steps, concerned Noblesville citizens are encouraged to stay motivated in the following ways:

  • Share our website, dontleaveittobeaver.com, to educate others on the issues at stake.
  • Review Plan Commission and Noblesville Common Council agendas for updated proposals from the petitioner, Beaver Materials and/or Hamilton County Parks & Recreation Department, which can be viewed at this link.
  • Review County Council agendas for updated budget information for the Hamilton County Parks & Recreation Department, which can be viewed at this link.