Noblesville reader says city’s “wound” is “self-inflicted”

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Dear Editor:

The Jensen/IDI dispute seems to me to be totally attributable to the “City’s learning of the creation of the historic district.” This is a totally self-inflicted wound put in place by the prior administration. The City created it but the new administration was either unaware of it or of its significance.

Some compassion needs to be extended to IDI here because it seems to me that they have been whipsawed.

When the current bureaucrats fail to realize that these obstacles exist, you cannot blame the private sector whose property is to be taken for being dismayed by the incompetence or lack of communication of the administration.

John Davis


1 Comment on "Noblesville reader says city’s “wound” is “self-inflicted”"

  1. Not sure what the issue or point in writing about IDI and local town politician . Please be more pacific .
    Thank you Rob Snyder .

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