Some fear COVID vaccine contains actual virus


While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration works to approve a coronavirus vaccine, a new study reports that less than half of Americans would be willing to get it. Some may fear the possibility of getting COVID-19 from the vaccination itself.

News 8’s medical reporter, Dr. Mary Elizabeth Gillis, spoke with Dr. Christopher Doehring, vice president of medical affairs at Franciscan Health, who said this is not the case at all and why people should have nothing to worry about:

GILLIS: A new study came out indicating that just 46 percent of Americans are considering getting a COVID-19 vaccine when it comes out. Those aren’t really the numbers we’re looking for and I’m thinking part of the reason … in just speaking with people … is that they think that vaccine contains the actual coronavirus. Is there truth to that? And if not, what is in the vaccine?

DOEHRING: Yeah. That’s a really good question and certainly something that needs to be clarified. There are some vaccines that are made with killed viruses or viruses that have been disabled, but that’s not the case with the COVID-19 vaccine.

Small fragments of the RNA from the virus have been included in these vaccines, which makes it both incredibly safe and very, very effective – much more effective than what we were hoping for and expecting. So, there should be absolutely no concern that someone could get the coronavirus from the vaccine.

1 Comment on "Some fear COVID vaccine contains actual virus"

  1. Can you please have a less misinformative and scary headline? You should know better.

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