Roughly 40% of people don’t know their own blood type, study says



As the coronavirus wages on, doctors are saying it’s critical to ask yourself one key question: Do you know your blood type?

Why? Because evidence suggests there is a link between blood type and severity of COVID-19 should you become infected. Those with type O are said to be least susceptible to infection whereas those with blood type A are most susceptible.

According to a national survey conducted by lab testing company, Any Lab Test Now, 37 percent of people have no idea what their blood type is. Not only that, but nearly 60 percent of the 500 surveyed never even thought to ask the question.

“This pandemic has more people than ever monitoring their health and thankfully we’re seeing families come into our labs to get a screening to learn their blood type,” said CEO of Any Lab Test Now Clarissa Bradstock. “If COVID has taught us anything, it’s that we need to be vigilant about our health and a good place to start is with knowing our blood type and the health risks associated with it.”