Noblesville reader: Scott Noel has conflict of interest in gravel pit recommendation vote

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Dear Editor:

I was very disappointed with in the “no recommendation” vote by our Plan Commission on Nov. 16 with respect to the proposed gravel pit construction at beautiful Potters Bridge Park.

You would think that with almost 5,000 citizens signing a “vote no” petition online and in-person; with Indiana American Water talking about the adverse effect on water quality, safety and supply in growing Noblesville (41,000 persons affected); with the adverse and potentially disastrous effects on the natural environment and floodway/floodplain brought up at the meeting by HEC representative; and finally, with professional realtors telling us that the construction will cause value loss of 20 to 30 percent to some 400+ nearby homeowners, this vote would have been an easy “unfavorable recommendation” by the Plan Commissioners.

Unbelievably, it was not!

My letter would like to specifically address one of the commissioners who rendered a “favorable” vote: Scott Noel.

Mr. Noel is a Parks Board representative, and according to LinkedIn information until July 2020 was employed as Director of Builder’s Material Transport and Purchasing by Sagamore Ready Mix, a building materials dealer where Petitioner Chris Beaver is CAO! If this is not a serious conflict of interest, I am not sure what is since Beaver Materials filed a continuance in October so as to add the Hamilton County Parks Department as a co-petitioner!

Mr. Noel should have done the right thing and excused himself from the vote due to his prior close affiliation with Beaver Materials and his position on the Parks Board, now a co-petitioner with Beaver on this rezoning.

I propose that Mr. Noel’s vote should be disregarded by the City Council due to his significant conflict of interest and do what is right – listen to the now almost 5,000 voices and petition signers, the protesters, those who are in a professional capacity to give advice and do the right thing. Vote “no” on Dec. 8.


Pam Wind
