Fishers upgrades COVID risk to highest level

On Tuesday, the Fishers Health Department upgraded the city’s COVID-19 risk level to Level 4, Red, the highest risk level.

The Hamilton County Reporter’s newsgathering partner, Larry Lannan, reported the Fishers Health Department will likely place new protective measures into effect following its next meeting on Friday.

The recommendations for action would limit indoor gatherings outside a personal residence to no more than 10 people, and that requires wearing masks, social distancing and washing hands. For outside activities, the limit would be 20 people with the same mitigation requirements as indoor events.

Special events would require a plan subject to approval by the Fishers Health Department.

The recommendations include eliminating school extra-curricular activities, in an effort to preserve in-person classes. This would include athletics.

At the conclusion of Tuesday’s meeting, Fadness said, “We are not in a time of inaction. So the idea that this board is going to get back together and that there isn’t going to be some form of formal action taken is probably not likely. We have to move our community forward and plot a course accordingly.”

1 Comment on "Fishers upgrades COVID risk to highest level"

  1. Citizens of Fishers, are you okay with the mayor and health department telling you how to live with a virus that only kills less than 1% of those who contract it? Are you okay with them telling you how to celebrate holidays with your families, are you okay with them telling you how to run your business, take care of your health, and if your job is essential? It’s time to stop fearing this virus, but fear how those in authority are abusing their roles. You must ask yourselves am I willing to surrender to tyranny or stand firm in your right as an American citizen, to provide for yourself, and for your health. The constitution states only those who are SICK should quarantine, the governments never have the right to prevent you from earning a living, or telling me how many people I can invite to my home. Never surrender your freedoms or the America we once had will be gone.

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