Noblesville reader: Victoria Spartz is my candidate for Congress

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Dear Editor,

The letter supporting Victoria Spartz from Christopher Barnthouse published on Oct. 18 sure made a positive impression on this reader. Also, the letter you published from two doctors regarding Senator Spartz positive support for Hoosier healthcare. This is especially relevant because Victoria Spartz’s opponent has non-stop advertising attacking her ACA position. My wife suffered under ACA for two years. It was very expensive and with the high deductible, little better than no health insurance!

As Mr. Barnthouse stated, Senator Spartz completed Luke Kenley’s term. I too was sorry to see Luke Kenley retire. He was an excellent legislator who continued the sound financial progress he and Mitch Daniels started. I believe under Governor Daniels, Governor Pence, and now Governor Holcomb we’ve all become complacent with Indiana’s solid finances.

Few probably remember the desperate financial condition, and enormous debt, the state was experiencing not so long ago. So Senator Spartz had huge shoes to fill! I too was skeptical, figuring she would be a placeholder.

Wow, I was wrong! Senator Spartz immersed herself into the challenge. As both Mr. Barnthouse and the doctors noted, she was a key participant in significant legislation. Her name is always being positively mentioned in the news regarding important legislation. She seems tireless, and certainly not intimidated. I believe her qualities; her toughness, intelligence, and work ethic make her uniquely qualified to take on the dysfunctional Congress with which many of us are frustrated. I’d bet she won’t be intimidated by Nancy Pelosi or the Squad!

My wife and I have both voted early, and we voted for Victoria Spartz for Congress!

George Hodgson
