Retired Hamilton Heights administrator endorses Sheller for school board

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Dear Editor:

My name is Don Leach, and I would like to offer my public pledge of support for David Adam Sheller who is running for a seat on the Hamilton Heights School Board (White River Township).

I’m a life-long community resident and served as a Hamilton Heights school administrator for 24 years before retiring in 2012 I’ve known the Sheller family for over 50 years. During that time, I’ve been associated with Adam since his little league baseball days, many years in 4-H, and his time as an agriculture teacher/FFA advisor at Hamilton Heights MS and HS. It has been a pleasure to watch him grow into a successful adult, husband and father.

I can assure you that he is a well-rounded and grounded person capable of making sound decisions as a school board member for our district. He is truly vested in our community and will always base his decisions on what’s best for Hamilton Heights Schools, while at the same time voting to be fiscally responsible for the taxpayers he represents. As a Heights graduate, you can be assured that Adam will always be a “Husky” true and through, and never lose sight of his roots.

It is my belief that Adam is running for school board for all the right reasons. Listed below are a few key points that qualify him as the right person for the job:

  • Attended Hamilton Heights schools K-12, graduating in 1999
  • Graduated from Purdue University in 2004
  • Lifelong resident in Heights school district
  • Former Hamilton Heights educator, transitioned into corporate business opportunities while assisting with the family farm operations
  • Married and proud parent of three children who all attend the Hamilton Heights school system
  • Vested in this community for the long haul, not going anywhere
  • Active listener
  • Effective communicator
  • Diverse background in both business and education
  • Ability to make difficult decisions and compromise for effective solutions
  • Community connections with key personnel to stay “in-tune” with parent, student and educator needs
  • Personal pledge to enhance open lines of communication and increased transparency within the district community
  • Work to maintain and upgrade curricular opportunities with dynamic technology integration – especially during these difficult pandemic times that often dictate virtual learning settings
  • School safety protocols will always be a top priority, alongside coordinated efforts with law enforcement and first responders
  • Support extracurricular activities to afford opportunities for our students to excel beyond the normal school day

Thank you for your careful consideration as you cast your vote for David Adam Sheller for the Hamilton Heights School Board – you won’t be disappointed!

Don Leach

Retired Hamilton Heights School Administrator
