Sue Maki invites voters to contact her with questions

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Dear Editor:

I always enjoy reading Fred Swift’s articles, whether they are about local politics or our county’s history. And his Sept. 30 article titled “Local candidates need to speak up on issues” was of particular interest. It made me see his call to action as another opportunity to connect with voters, which I always value.

As a County Council At-Large candidate, readers can learn more about my qualifications and positions at my website,, on Facebook @ElectSueMaki and at the League of Women Voters candidate forum at I have also authored several op-eds about issues I feel are important to our county. These op-eds were printed in area publications, including the Reporter.

Even during difficult financial times which we will be facing, I am committed to prioritizing public safety, infrastructure, parks and greenspace. These investments have made Hamilton County a national destination for people and businesses, and they keep us on solid footing as we move into the future.

Infrastructure expansion to keep up with growth is paramount, and we need to be smart on how we invest our money in the long run to allow citizens to enjoy life in each of our nine Hamilton County townships.

Public safety is the bedrock of government services, and I pledge to give our public safety organizations the tools and training they need.

And for parks and greenspaces, this pandemic has proved to us the value they have for our residents. Our award-winning parks and trails are used by everyone.

If anyone would like to contact me about any of these initiatives or about matters that are important to you, please feel free to contact me at I look forward to hearing from you.

Sue Maki
