Noblesville reader: Choice is clear with Trump and Biden

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Dear Editor,

On Sept. 19, Ms. Schroer wrote why she could not support President Trump’s reelection.

Ms. Schroer cites DNC talking points to support her position. I believe these talking points are easily disputable, especially when considered in context. By example, the hate-filled rhetoric started in 2016 with the tantrums thrown by radical Democrats when it was clear your candidate lost.

It hasn’t stopped.

In President Trump’s inaugural address, he offered an olive branch of peace with Democrats stating he would work with and negotiate with anyone. That offer was flatly rejected by the Democrat-led “Resistance.” This new movement was openly designed to make sure nothing got done in Washington. There was a time when most Americans would call this behavior childish. What has happened to us in America that this behavior by politicians is OK? I suggest voters should remember: The “Resistance” now wants your vote!

President Trump has focused on delivering for the American people, most importantly through economic growth, and higher paying jobs. Mr. Obama and other Democrats said Trump won’t get jobs back in the country: “…what’s he gonna do, wave a magic wand?” Well, he did it starting with improved trade agreements, insisting trade had to be fair for the American people!

Wow, where has that effort been from past politicians? I recall in the 1990s when NAFTA was being implemented, Independent presidential candidate Ross Perot said, “That giant sucking sound you hear is high paying jobs leaving America.” That didn’t change until President Trump.

President Trump has rolled back oppressive Obama/Biden era regulations on business. Remember their words: “If you have a business, you didn’t build it.” President Trump cut taxes for all Americans, especially business tax which was the highest of any developed country, making America’s businesses uncompetitive in a global market. Eighty percent of job growth comes from small businesses. Remember, Democrats have vowed to let those tax cuts expire.

President Trump is the only president in the modern era that hasn’t taken us into a major military conflict where regime change was the objective. Remember, while Obama/Biden said America would “lead from behind” Libya became a tragic story.

President Trump has been nominated for two Nobel Peace Prizes for treaties between Israel and Arab countries. Remember, Obama/Biden Secretary of State John Kerry said that would never happen.

So here’s what I can’t understand – why is this election even close?

George Hodgson


2 Comments on "Noblesville reader: Choice is clear with Trump and Biden"

  1. Mari Briggs | October 4, 2020 at 11:37 pm |

    Thank you George Hodgson for a well written reminder letter comparing our current president with the previous administration. I remember oh so well when NAFTA was being pushed through. Many union members and veterans warned what the result would be – loss of jobs. And Obama did say our GDP would be 2.5, so get used to it. I believe the election is not close. The problem will be with dishonest treatment of mail in ballots.

  2. John Christianson | October 7, 2020 at 9:53 am |

    This letter just exemplifies the divide between always Trump voters and those of us who will judge him based on his actual words and actions. He has been very divisive and inflammatory in his rhetoric. He is no different now. His actions during the Covid pandemic have been irresponsible and life threatening. Not just to others, but to himself and those around him. Someone who has so little respect for the lives of the people of this country as a whole and such little respect for his friends and relatives doesn’t deserve any more time in office. His focus is on enriching himself and his big money donors. His tax cut did not help the average person but increased the money flowing to himself and others like him. I have been a lifelong Republican, but he has brought a change to the GOP that makes it unrecognizable. So, I will not be voting for Trump this time, and it will be a long time before I vote GOP again.

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