Noblesville reader proud to support Stephanie Lambert for school board

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Dear Editor,

I am writing in support of Noblesville School Board candidate Stephanie Lambert.

I have known Stephanie Lambert for 10 years, and during that time, I have had the pleasure of working with her in several capacities. Our children attended Noble Crossing Elementary together where we both served as volunteers and Stephanie served as PTO Treasurer for two years. We have also attended Northview Church where our families have participated in Life Group together. In addition, Stephanie and I worked together after the Noblesville West Middle School shooting to improve school safety and security for the students in Noblesville.

Stephanie spent time at the Indiana Statehouse working with legislators to help improve mental health resources in Indiana schools. She also collaborated with school administrators and various stakeholders in the community for safer schools.

Stephanie is thoughtful in her approach to solving problems and is able to ask the hard questions. She is practical, level-headed, caring and hardworking.

Stephanie has been devoted to the youth in our community as a frequent volunteer. She volunteers as a Hamilton County CASA and with Youth Assistance Program. She is also a building substitute for Noblesville Schools.

Stephanie is not afraid to roll up her sleeves and help our children and our community when needed.

Stephanie would be a valuable asset to the Noblesville School Board, and I encourage you to vote for her on Nov. 3.

Lindsay Resmer
