Shaffer congratulates Fishers on AAA rating

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Dear Editor:

Sincere congratulations to the City of Fishers for earning a AAA credit rating from S&P Global Rantings service, as reported in this newspaper last week.

Your story noted the rating affirms the direction of a city whose fiscally conservative practices and policies are among the best in the country.

Sadly, for those of us living in Carmel, the reverse is true in light of its estimated $2.4 billion debt. The same S&P that praised Fishers three years ago downgraded Carmel’s rating, citing a $300 million increase in debt over the previous three years.

In the three years since, ignoring the warning, Carmel’s elitists have added more than $100 million and approved hundreds of millions more in school, library and township borrowing borne on the backs of Carmel-Clay residents.

And, in the same week Fishers earned its AAA, Carmel spendthrifts trumpeted the announcement that the city has more roundabouts per total number of intersections than anywhere else on Planet Earth.

In terms of “so what” news, Fishers takes the prize.

Bill Shaffer
