Weingarten: AG Hill wants to limit voting, put people at risk

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Dear Editor:

Attorney General Curtis Hill wants to end absentee ballots for seniors.

He requested this end in a brief filed on Sept. 9 with the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals on behalf of the State of Indiana.


At a time when we should protect not only seniors but all Hoosiers from a pandemic and give them the right to vote by mail, the current AG wants to limit voting and put people at risk. Right now, Indiana is one of only six states that does not allow absentee voting due to the COVID pandemic. So, at a time when we should be expanding mail in voting we have a high-ranking Republican trying to remove this option for many at-risk people.

In Hamilton County, 25,000 mail-in ballots are going out now, and it is estimated as many as three times that amount will mail out by the time the election is over.

I urge voters to think strongly about how the leaders of the Republican Party are working to limit your right to vote and make voting harder. We need an Attorney General that cares about Hoosiers and not limiting our constitutional rights.

I urge you to vote for Jonathan Weinzapfel and for all the Democratic candidates. They care about you.

Joe Weingarten

Hamilton County Democratic Party Chair