Sharon McMahon: Just wear the mask!

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Dear Editor:

This is an open letter to the middle-aged couple sitting in close proximity to others at my grandson’s high school football game – WITH NO MASKS ON THE ENTIRE GAME! This after the announcer made at least eight announcements during the game to ask everyone to PLEASE wear their masks and social distance.

My question to these people who refuse to wear masks when asked by those in charge of an event, when science tell us that masks DO make a difference, and when almost all of the people around them are wearing masks … what is your problem? (Yes, a small minority of people may have a medical condition which prevents them from wearing the mask; however, given that the people I refer to were loudly shouting the entire game I doubt that to be the case.)

Maybe you don’t care if kids ever get back into school on a regular basis. Maybe you don’t care if employers can bring back employees into the workplace. Maybe you don’t care if people are, quite literally, dying from the pandemic virus. Maybe you don’t care that those who do recover are frequently experiencing devastating side effects. Maybe you feel privileged, that you are special, and you do not have to follow the rules or maybe even use good judgment. I don’t know … it is beyond me.

I do not like wearing the masks! However, as one physician commented, “Would you rather wear a mask or a ventilator?” Please give some thought to the nurses, teachers, retail workers and others who must wear their masks eight hours per shift. Do you think they enjoy it? The state of Indiana COVID numbers are rising. Aren’t you ready for that to change? Just wear it!

Sharon McMahon


2 Comments on "Sharon McMahon: Just wear the mask!"

  1. All impartial reviews of the CV death and case data prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that mask and social distancing mandates are a fools errand.

    The reputation of Public Health authorities has been shredded but they continue to double down and influence people like the author of this article. Shame on the Hamilton County Reporter for not providing a more balanced perspective.

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