Westfield Playhouse scores big at polo fundraiser

Rich Campbell and horses Tana (left) and Mystique from the Cincinnati Polo Club took a moment to pose for The Reporter’s camera at Friday evening’s Hickory Hills Polo Club fundraiser. (Reporter photo by Stu Clampitt)

Friday evening’s fundraiser for Westfield Playhouse and Servants At Work saw a capacity crowd at Hickory Hills Polo Club, 7551 E. 100 North, Whitestown. The event was enjoyed by long-time polo fans, newcomers and families looking for a safe, fun evening out. With a 50/50 raffle, stick races and a flyover candy-drop for the kids, a wine pull, a silent auction, and of course some fierce polo competition, there was a little something for everyone.

If you did not attend the event but would like to buy tickets to upcoming shows or make a tax-deductible donation to Main Street Productions and the operation of new Westfield Playhouse, just go to westfieldplayhouse.org. All donations are tax-deductible.

The support of several hundred attendees is deeply appreciated by the board of directors, especially during these times. If you did not attend the event but would like to buy tickets to upcoming shows or make a tax-deductible donation to MSP and the operation of new Westfield Playhouse, just go to westfieldplayhouse.org.

Reporter photos by Stu Clampitt