Commissioner candidate: Be afraid, be very afraid

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Dear Editor:

Recently, Laura Campbell, Party Chairman for the Hamilton County GOP, sent out an email calling for support stating that “Democrat leadership in Marion County to our south and in Democrat-led communities across the country has destroyed cities and counties which were once considered safe and viable.”

Laura, we Democrats are not going to destroy the county. We are going to make it a lot better by including everyone who lives in the county, not just the few who support you.

It’s time for fresh voices, points of view and transparency.

Dan Montgomery

Candidate for Hamilton County Commissioner, District 3


6 Comments on "Commissioner candidate: Be afraid, be very afraid"

  1. Look what trump wannabe fadness is doing to Fishers if you want to see wanton destruction of what used to be a great place to live. Watch him push for unsafe school openings next just like his hero.

  2. Alan Griffin | August 17, 2020 at 1:11 am |

    No thanks, lawlessness and tax and spend NOT wanted in Hamilton county

  3. It’s hard to believe Mr. Montgomery when he chooses to align himself with a party that promotes socialist ideals. His rhetoric seems hollow when you see what his associates like Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, etc. do. In the immortal wors of Mark Twain “What you do speaks so loud, I can’t hear what you are saying”. Perhaps Mr. Montgomery would allow protesters to burn, loot and harm people like his fellow democratic mayors and governors have done in Chicago, Portland and Seattle. I also wonder if he would be in favor of Hamilton County to be a sanctuary for criminals who are not even legal citizens of our country? Mr. Montgomery, I do NOT think your party (and you, as a member) know anything about what is good for our country.

  4. Larry T Howard II | August 17, 2020 at 8:48 pm |

    Well, You are eroding the very fabric of free society….

    And I know who I won’t be voting for…

  5. I will never vote Democrat if I do, I will be dead…..

  6. Thanks Alan and Steve for further making my point. Fear based politics is getting rather old…same tired dog whistles without merit.

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