Weingarten: Holcomb endangering Hoosiers

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Dear Editor:

Governor Holcomb is clearly showing he could care less about Hoosiers.

First just look at his position on voting.  Indiana is one of only seven states that do not allow you to vote absentee due to the COVID-19 pandemic. His response is that he likes to vote in person. Will he have to stand in line? Of course not. Long lines, lack of social distancing as people crowd to get into the polls and what if it is pouring rain. Does he care not apparently. He does not want people to come out and vote, just a few of his supporters.

Second look what he is doing to our education system, if your school district cares about teachers and students and makes the decision to go to virtual classes he is going to withhold 15 percent of their state funds. Blackmail is a good word for this. He is willing to put the lives of people at risk at a time when we should be reducing exposure. I would like to remind the governor children do not social distance and they will transmit the virus and when they go home they will pass it on. Or does he believe President Trump’s false claim about children being immune from the virus.

Will the Governor accept responsibly for those who become sick and maybe die due to these actions. I doubt it and Hoosiers should show him that he is not being a leader by not voting for him this November he does not deserve another term.

Joe Weingarten

Chair, Hamilton County Democratic Party