State lawmakers speak out on governor’s mask mandate

On Wednesday, Governor Eric Holcomb announced the pending implementation of a statewide mask mandate to help prevent the spread of coronavirus. Holcomb’s mandate would come without legislative approval. Violation of the order, a Class B Misdemeanor, could result in a $1,000 fine and up to 180 days in jail.

On Thursday, the Reporter contacted state lawmakers representing Hamilton County and asked their thoughts on the governor’s mandate:

“The call for the statewide mask mandate was a surprise to me and our caucus, and we are working with the governor on the specific language of the Executive Order,” said House Speaker Todd Huston (R-Fishers). “We all share the same goals of flattening the curve, keeping the economy open, and ensuring our students and teachers are back in school safely. To continue moving our state ahead, we all have to do our part to ensure we aren’t forced to reverse course.”

“I was comfortable with the state department of health strongly encouraging Hoosiers to wear masks to slow the spread of the virus and protect our most vulnerable population,” said State Rep. Jerry Torr (R-Carmel). “Personally, I wear a mask in public when I cannot socially distance, but I do not believe a statewide mandate is the appropriate step at this point, especially if there is a penalty involved. The language of the proposed executive order has not even been made public and I would like to review it before commenting further.”

“The pandemic must be taken seriously in order to continue safely reopening our economy and getting people back to work,” said State Rep. Chuck Goodrich (R-Noblesville). “However, I question the enforceability of the governor’s mandate for Hoosiers to wear masks, and believe it should be a decision left up to local governments and businesses to make. I will continue working with the governor’s office and state leaders to ensure we flatten the curve and keep Indiana from sliding backward.”

“I choose to wear a mask in public to protect my fellow Hoosiers, especially after this pandemic has taken so many lives and hit our most vulnerable populations,” said State Rep. Donna Schaibley (R-Carmel). “Regarding the recent mandate, there are passionate voices on both sides of this issue, but it’s clear we all need to do more to slow the spread of this virus. I look forward to fully reviewing the details of the governor’s executive order that have not yet been made public.”

“I agree wearing a mask is an effective tool to slow the spread of COVID-19, and Hoosiers should wear one when they are out in public and unable to social distance,” said State Rep. Tony Cook (R-Cicero). “We want to do everything we can to help Indiana bounce back, however, I wish the executive branch communicated and consulted with the legislature before implementing a statewide mandate, and I would rather not see it carry a penalty.”