How to get your sleep back


The last thing any caregiver in the sandwich generation needs is a lack of sleep. But that’s precisely what I’ve been facing since February because I am approaching menopause. Sleep issues and other problems are unfortunately common in this stage of life.

After months of walking into walls and trying various products/ideas, I’ve finally found a process that’s been working for me. As always, talk to your doctor to see if any or some of these strategies might help you.

Thanks to “The Sleep Doctor” (Michael Breus, PhD, I found Femmenessence MacaLife and Herbatonin. As you’ll see on their website,, MacaLife has the highest success rate in published clinical trials of any perimenopausal herbal supplement in the world and is the only one to demonstrate statistically significant effects on hormones. It works for some women in just a few weeks, however, for me it took a bit longer.

Herbatonin is plant-based melatonin. I had tried other melatonin supplements but found this is the only kind that helps me.

After giving me a much-needed adjustment that also produced some relief, my chiropractor was pleased to see I was taking these products. This company offers support via phone, chat, or email, which has been wonderful. Pharmacist Jan has become my new best friend.

Lavender oil has also helped me relax at night. I use a facial moisturizer with it at bedtime and put a few drops of oil on a cotton ball in a dish to fill my bedroom with the fragrance.

Other things that have worked are the typical recommendations of getting outside and exercising during the day, keeping my bedroom cool, dark, and quiet, eating right, and working on my stress.

Even with these steps and products, however, I still occasionally have trouble falling asleep, especially with neighbors who still think we’re celebrating the 4th of July. This is when I use Plan B (or maybe with all of the steps it’s more like Plan E) – Benadryl.

Because I’m a highly sensitive person, other similar products leave me groggy the next day or, even worse, still wide-awake at night. Amazingly, Benadryl, taken when I know I can be in bed for at least seven to eight hours, knocks me out and doesn’t leave me groggy once I get up and moving the next morning.

Remember, though, this is Plan E and not something anyone should use on a regular basis. But it often saves me, especially when I have a busy day ahead and I need to be focused and energetic.

Want even more information? Check out Menopause Confidential by Tara Allmen, MD. Dr. Allmen knows A LOT about this stage of life and wrote her book while she was experiencing its challenges. I could hardly put it down and read it in two evenings.

If you treat yourself with kindness and patience, learn all you can, and talk with a trusted medical professional, you, too, can find relief and get your sleep back!