The good old days

From the Heart

“Grandma, tell me ’bout the good old days.” I can just hear my grandkids saying those words, similar to the lyrics of a song by the mother/daughter country duo, The Judds.

Remember the good old days? You know the ones, before we ever heard of COVID-19, the pandemic, or the coronavirus.

I miss those days.

Will I ever feel like there is a normal without it involving masks? Yes, I wear one whenever I am inside a store. You may tell me that it is not necessary. I will tell you, for me and my husband, it is necessary. I rest my case.

If I see too many cars in the parking lot of a store, I know that it is too peopley (I know it’s not a word) and I head back home.

I question whether we should be flying to Florida to visit our families. I miss them, but…

I watch the 6:00 news and I recognize the music that signals a COVID-19 update. Ugh.

Positive cases are up dramatically. Deaths are down. I tend to see the negative in the positive when it comes to that report. I pray we are not a statistic.

I am told by the media what I should believe. The left has their channels and the right has theirs. The pandemic is now a hot political issue. For Chuck and me it’s a life or death issue.

Our school administrators are damned if they do and damned if they don’t, whenever they make any decision. The bandwagon is jumped upon and social media criticism runs amok. If you look up the definition of amok, it is “acting in a wild or uncontrolled manner.”


Opinions are shouted on Facebook and Twitter. The keyboard has become a weapon of bitterness and anger. No one is listening. Just shouting. No one is winning. Just whining. Do what you think is best for your child. Period. Imagine if their job was your job.

The effects of this pandemic have given a rise to anger, frustration and lack of civility and common sense.

I want to go back to the days of kindness, compassion and empathy.  I want to go back to being able to hug my family and my friends Those are the good old days. I miss them.

Now if you ask me about the REALLY good old days, I’ll tell you about them next week. A hint is they were when I was a kid growing up on 12th Street on the north side of Noblesville in the 60s. Grandkids, stay tuned. Grandma has a lot to say.