Morse Lake cleanup set for July 18

Morse Waterways Association (MWA) is looking for volunteers to help with its 16th annual lake cleanup on Saturday, July 18. MWA credits the success of this annual cleanup to a strong collaborative partnership. (Photo provided by Mike Berry, Morse Lake Weather)

The Morse Waterways Association (MWA) is organizing its 16th annual lake cleanup from 8 a.m. to noon on Saturday, July 18. Volunteers are needed along the waterfront, in the water at the shoreline, and on boats and personal watercraft to gather the debris and bring it to Red Bridge Park for removal. Boats/personal watercraft of any type are needed and appreciated.

All residents are encouraged to remove and haul larger logs and debris from in front of their property or elsewhere to the southernmost dock at Red Bridge Park, just south of the kayak launch. They may be delivered as early as Thursday, July 16, and must be securely tied to the dock or shore so they can’t float out.

Volunteers will pull logs out of the lake and use chain saws to cut the logs into manageable pieces to be placed in the dump trucks and hauled away. These logs will be taken to Green Cycle in Noblesville to be recycled as mulch. Other volunteers will work along the shoreline to remove smaller tree limbs and debris and load these onto a trailer to be hauled to the Red Bridge location or to the Town burn site. Last year, the group set a new record by collecting 10 dump trucks of logs which were transported to Greencycle for recycling and three truckloads of old docks, etc. to be burned.

Volunteers should wear old clothes and footwear and plan to get wet and dirty while making a remarkable difference that can be seen and felt. The annual cleanup, conducted the third Saturday in July, is a collaborative effort among the MWA, Town of Cicero, and many volunteers who take part in the effort each year. To participate in this half day beautification effort that benefits all who live around the lake and/or for more information, email Art Hall (, Dave Vanette ( or

It is with deep gratitude that MWA recognizes and thanks Art Hall for his decade of service as coordinator of this program. Art has done a great job over the years and his efforts have been invaluable to the MWA and the greater lakeside community. Art will still be with MWA and will be training Dave Vanette and a few others to take over his responsibilities.

Note: With the ever-evolving conditions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, this scheduled event may be subject to change.

About Morse Waterway Association

Morse Waterways Association (MWA) is a non-profit organization founded in May 2005 to serve the Morse Reservoir community. MWA supports the 1,400 homeowners living on the reservoir, the surrounding community, and the weekend recreational boaters and fishermen. To get involved for more information go to