Blood drive planned for June 25 at Carmel’s Brookshire Golf Club

With a critical need for blood donations, the City of Carmel is partnering with Versiti Blood Center of Indiana on a blood drive to be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Thursday, June 25 at Brookshire Golf Club. The Bloodmobile will be set up in the parking lot of the Golf Club.

Versiti Blood Center is in critical need of donations due to COVID-19 and the unprecedented negative impact on blood donations and blood inventory now and for the foreseeable future. If you are healthy and eligible, please donate.

Maintaining a safe blood supply is crucial to the well-being of patients, and your help is needed right away.

Click here to sign up to donate. Please include your cell number and staff will text you when it is time to present for your appointment.

Versiti takes every precaution when it comes to donor and patient safety. The donation process itself poses no risk of infecting a donor with coronavirus. Donors should be reassured that attending organized blood drives is safe. Coronavirus is currently not known to infect patients through blood transfusions.

All donor-facing staff will have their temperature taken prior to beginning their workday. Donors’ temperatures will be taken at registration to ensure they are not elevated prior to entering donation areas. Donors will be asked if they are currently experiencing coughing or shortness of breath or have recently traveled to high-risk countries as defined by the CDC. If any of the above is true, donors will be asked to self-defer.

Versiti is asking donors who have traveled to China, Iran, South Korea or Italy to self-defer from donation for 28 days from their date of return.