Sheridan’s Dale McCullough honored by Rotary International

Rotary District 6560 Assistant Governor Dave Carter (left), congratulates Sheridan Rotary Club member Dale McCullough for his Paul Harris +5 contribution level. Congratulations, Dale, from everyone in the Sheridan Club. (Photo provided)

Congratulations go out to Sheridan Rotarian Dale McCullough, who recently received his Paul Harris +5 recognition.

Paul Harris was a Chicago attorney and formed the first Rotary Club of Chicago on Feb. 23, 1905, so professionals with diverse backgrounds could exchange ideas, form meaningful relationships, lifelong friendships, and give back to their communities. In 1957, the Rotary International Foundation was established as the charitable arm of this international organization.

The Paul Harris Fellow program recognizes individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International. The honor was established in 1957 to show appreciation for contributions that support the Annual Fund, Polio Plus, or an approved Foundation grant.

McCullough’s +5 recognition means that he is a multi-Paul Harris Fellow and has given subsequent $1,000 donations five more times. In recognition, he will receive a certificate and a Paul Harris pin with five sapphires. The recognition pins are set with additional stones corresponding to the recipient’s recognition amount.

Thanks to the technological efforts of current year Sheridan Rotary Club president Fred Sturdevant, the club has continued to meet nearly every week via Zoom. This past week was the first time since early March that members met in person. The next club meeting will be on Tuesday, June 30 for the annual President’s Picnic and the installation of the 2020-21 officers.

If you would like more information about Sheridan Rotary, please contact any club member or call Steve Martin at (765) 513-7457.