Dem candidates to speak at protest today in Noblesville

State Senate candidate Ronnie Saunders and State Representative candidate Mike Vick will join a Black Lives Matter protest and march on noon today at the old Hamilton County Courthouse Square.



A Noblesville High School student organized the event.

“We can’t sit on the sidelines while racial injustice persists and unjustified, state-sanctioned violence goes unpunished,” said Vick, a community organizer and former journalist.

Saunders, a firefighter, EMT and former teacher, has experienced racial discrimination himself.

He said if elected, he would propose comprehensive legislation shown to reduce police violence by more than 70 percent.

The so-called #8CantWait legislation comes from the racial and criminal justice organization Campaign Zero.

Among other provisions, the proposed law would ban chokeholds and require police to intervene and stop excessive force by fellow officers.

Rally organizers said attendees should bring masks and practice social distancing to avoid spreading coronavirus.

The rally will start facing the new judicial center. Text @nobprotest to 81010 to get updates about the protest. The event is open to the public, but organizers ask that you RSVP at this link.

About Mike Vick

Mike Vick is the state representative nominee for the Democratic Party in Indiana’s 29th state legislative district. Mike serves as field canvass director for Indiana’s largest consumer advocacy group, fighting for fair utility rates, energy policy reform, pollution prevention and family farmers.

Mike organized home care and child care workers, fighting for better pay and working conditions. He also raised funds for a global nonprofit organization fighting for a green and peaceful future.

Mike’s father was a union iron worker and organizer and his mother was a teacher and school board member. From a young age, Mike’s parents instilled a deep commitment to working class values and to ensuring we treat the least among us as we would want to be treated ourselves.

Mike lives in Noblesville with his wife Amanda and their two children. On Sundays, you’ll find Mike at Waterline Church with his family. His Christian faith influences every part of his worldview. He wants a fair and just society where everyone, not just a privileged few, have a voice in their government and workplace.

You can follow Mike’s campaign at

About Ronnie Saunders

Ronnie Saunders is a firefighter and EMT with the Indianapolis Fire Department and lives in Westfield with his wife Brianna and their two daughters.

Ronnie earned his Bachelors of Science in Legal Studies from Indiana State University. He has always maintained a love for governmental affairs and policy development and has wanted to use that passion to positively influence his community.

Ronnie served the Indiana State Government as an Assistant Director to the Behavioral Health and Human Services Licensing Board. In that role, he was able to work alongside social workers, mental health counselors, and addiction specialists on a host of issues including research, model law writing, and professional development.

You can follow Ronnie’s campaign at