Carmel Interfaith Alliance denounces shooting at mosque

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Dear Editor:

On behalf of the Carmel Interfaith Alliance (CIA), representing a coalition of multiple faith congregations in Carmel, we would like to extend solidarity with the Muslim community. We are deeply saddened and troubled to hear about the act of shooting at a local Al-Noor Masjid in Indianapolis on the day of Eid on Sunday, May 24, 2020.

The day of Eid marks the happiest day in Muslim calendar, marking the end of long fasting during the month of Ramadan. An act of shooting that day is nothing but a hate crime and we categorically denounce it. We are certain that such actions will cause people to feel afraid and concerned for their safety. It is very disheartening to hear about these senseless and hateful acts.

Please know that the interfaith community represented by the Carmel Interfaith Alliance (CIA), people of faith and moral conscience, stand by the Muslim community during this time. We will stand alongside to uphold the values of justice and compassion. Our homes, our places of worship and our hearts are open to the community.

We pray for the security of the American-Muslim community, which has undoubtedly been disturbed by the shooting.

May God fill your hearts with peace. Amen.

Carmel Interfaith Alliance