Noblesville voter: McMillan offers a choice for county commissioner

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Dear Editor:

Voters in Hamilton County will finally have a choice for Hamilton County Commissioner, District 2: Charlie McMillan, Jr.

Charlie is a formidable new candidate facing opponent and incumbent Steve Dillinger, who has been in office for over 30 years.

Charlie is a lifelong Noblesville resident, a proud graduate of Noblesville High School, and a friendly and familiar face at numerous community events and businesses with his family, 13-year-old Addison McMillan and her mother, Betsy Reason.

As Charlie’s sister, I can offer some personal insights into his character. Our parents raised us to be responsible, to work hard, and to care about others. He is ready to roll up his sleeves and get to work making Hamilton County an even better place to live, work, and play for all.

Charlie is not just a new face – he cares about you, your family, and your concerns and goals as a resident of Hamilton County, including roads and bridges, and growth and development.

Vote for a change. Choose Charlie for Hamilton County Commissioner, District 2.

Debbie McMillan Mason
