God is holding my pen

From the Heart

And so it was, that a few weeks ago, God began writing a new chapter for me. I admit that I wrestled Him for control of my pen.

When I turned the lights off in my office on March 14, I had no idea I would be cleaning out my office on May 18. I didn’t just carry out stuff … I carried out memories.

Yes, I have now retired as the Truck Lady.

The decision was not an easy one but it was the right one. My gut and my heart reassure of that.

My plans were to “probably” retire at 66 and 2 months when I qualified for full Social Security. It made sense to at least wait until I qualified for Medicare in September.

I planned and God chuckled.

God got my attention with a pandemic. No lions in the lion’s den. No parting of the Red Sea. Just COVID-19.

The sand in the hourglass for Chuck and me is much fuller in the bottom than the top. Each grain of sand is precious. You can’t put a value on time spent together.

I waited a long time to find the love of my life in the waiting room at Don Hinds Ford. Our happily ever after is my favorite chapter of the book that God is still writing.

My days now begin with a cup of coffee for me and a cup of tea for Chuck. For two hours, at least, we read, watch the birds at the bird feeder and ponder the plans for the day.

There is no hurrying to get ready. I swear my black coffee tastes a bit sweeter. The birds at the bird feeder provide early morning entertainment. I love tending to the perennials and annuals in our flower gardens. Their colors seem a bit brighter. Our grass is truly the greenest of all in the neighborhood. Oh, how I am loving this new normal.

Every new chapter of a book begins with the thoughts of “What will happen in this chapter?” I’ve trusted God with my pen in the chapters that He has written before this one. Some, while painful, have taught me what having faith is truly about.

We are not promised that life will be easy nor will it be fair. I’ve bickered with God as a writer would bicker with her editor. Trusting God with an unknown future is how I have lived my life and it is how I will continue to do so.

At times, I’m still wrestling God for control of my pen. I should know by now that He writes the best love stories, far beyond what I could ever pray for or plan. Even in the hard, God is good.

You know all these columns I have written since 2006? They are stacked in my home office. I am now sifting through and organizing them into what I hope will be a book, “Thoughts from the Little House on the Alley.”

Stay tuned – God and I are busy writing and I find comfort in knowing He is holding my pen.

* * *

Dear Don Hinds Ford family,

Thank you for the chapter you have helped write for me. It is bittersweet that the chapter is now finished. You all have loved me well and I certainly have loved all of you. I was blessed to have you in my life. You made a difference in mine. I hope I made a difference in yours.

Love, The Truck Lady

1 Comment on "God is holding my pen"

  1. Mandy May | May 24, 2020 at 10:56 am |

    Beautiful… ?
    I love this story. Thank you for sharing.

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