Fishers voter has nothing but good things to say about Lyneen Burrow

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Dear Editor:

I have known Lyneen Burrow for many years through Hamilton County 4-H and Extension, and she is one of the most genuine people I’ve ever known. Lyneen is honest and forthright and always wants to do what’s best for everyone around her. Lyneen has served as a leader in many areas of the county and has always performed with the utmost involvement and integrity. I admire her tenacity and passion to accomplish what’s best for those she serves.

She is a very giving and concerned person, which is one of the many reasons I believe she would be a great addition to the County Council. She wants to make things better for the citizens of Hamilton County. She believes our elected officials should be bring value to their positions and the people they serve.

With Lyneen as a member of the County Council, I believe she can help lead our county to realize even greater accomplishments. I encourage you to vote for Lyneen Burrow on June 2.

Lisa Swain
