She is a woman of strength

From the Heart

She walks into a room and her presence is made known, not by what she is wearing, but by how her heart captures the attention of the people in the room.

She carries the weight of many heartaches, yet has a smile that lightens the load of those who know her.

Her wisdom comes from the knowledge of her heart, not her head.

She puts others first, at the expense of herself, but you will never convince her to do things differently.

Her faith holds her together when her dreams are shattered.

She will be too busy picking up the pieces of the broken hearts of others to worry about her own broken heart.

Integrity and honesty are just natural instincts of how she lives her life on a daily basis.

She wipes her tears, puts on her big girl panties and tackles the impossible because she has been through the unimaginable.

She is a light in the dark tunnel of those who know her.

She lives with her heart wide open, not worrying that it might get broken … again.

When hurt, she forgives just as soon as she has her come apart.

Her confidence doesn’t come from what she knows she can do but from what she has been through … and survived.

She knows that life is short so she lives it to the fullest.

She loves with Grace and Mercy.

She never sees the glass as half-full or half-empty, but overflowing.

She knows Joy, not because she has no pain but because she knows the God who heals.

Her faith tells her that there is purpose to her pain.

She knows that God’s ways are not her ways and that she doesn’t have to understand everything to know that everything will be alright … eventually.

Her smile tells the world, “I’m OK,” when she is anything but OK.

She understands that doing something she fears does not make her brave … but determined.

Her walk says, “I can do this,” even though her heart says, “Please don’t make me have to do this.”

Simply put … she makes a difference in the lives of those who know her.

I want to be that woman … it’s the woman my mother raised me to be.

Janet Hart Leonard, a.k.a. Audrey’s daughter.