The Barrington of Carmel rolls out red carpet for resident’s 100th birthday

The Barrington resident Charles Schweitzer turned 100 Tuesday. Family and friends will help him celebrate the milestone this Saturday. (Photo provided)

In 1917, the average price of a car was $400, a Boeing aircraft flew for the first time and the hamburger bun was invented.

It’s also the year Charles Schweitzer was born.

The Barrington of Carmel resident celebrated his 100th birthday on Aug. 8 and will have a party from 1 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 12 at the senior living community, located at 1355 S. Guilford Road. The celebration will honor Schweitzer, and family members will be present along with fellow residents to share the occasion. The centenarian is excited to celebrate this milestone with his family and friends. He says a lot has changed in the last 100 years including jobs, clothing and cars. So, what’s the key to a long life? Well, Schweitzer says you need to eat right and play a little golf.

“It’s not just about playing golf though, you elongate your life by doing anything that keeps you physically active,” said Schweitzer. “I also make sure to keep my mind active by playing crossword puzzles and watching the stock market. Really, I’ll do just about anything that makes me exercise my brain. Life has been good to me these past 99 years, and I am looking forward to having my friends and family visit me for my birthday. I’m so thankful for the life I’ve had so far. Turning 100 is a milestone not many people get to experience, but I am glad I do.”

“We want my dad to feel extraordinary because he is an amazing man and this is truly a special day for our family,” said Don Schweitzer, Charlie’s son. “He has been an exceptional father and provider, which is why we want to honor him for his 100th birthday. He deserves to be spoiled by family and friends, so that’s exactly what we plan to do. There will be cake, punch and a lot of stories to be told. He’s lived through a lot of history and has plenty to share.”

Schweitzer was born in New York, N.Y. on Aug. 8, 1917. He lived through the Great Depression, multiple wars and so far, 18 presidents. The New York native served in the United States Army from 1942 until 1946 as a radio technician and was stationed in Italy and Africa. He’s currently the oldest veteran living at The Barrington and still wears his uniform every Veteran’s Day. He was able to turn his experience in the Army into a full-time job, and in 1961, Schweitzer, his wife and five children packed up and moved to Indianapolis where he worked for RCA. He had a successful career before he decided to retire. In his spare time, you’ll find him using his favorite invention of the last century: the TV. Schweitzer says he’s glad he can now watch golf from his living room at The Barrington. The community says they are excited to celebrate with Schweitzer.