State Senator Mike Gaskill endorses Victoria Spartz for Congress

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Dear Editor:

As a constitutional conservative, I believe in liberty, low taxes and smaller government. Many times I have been disappointed by Republicans who have campaigned on these issues and then didn’t have the courage to make the tough votes to defend them.

As an Indiana State Senator, I have had a front row seat to observe how Victoria Spartz behaves when those tough votes arise. In fact, she sits right beside me in the Senate chamber. Not only have I watched her make courageous votes every single time conservative values were on the line, I have also watched her persuade other senators to stand tall when the pressure was on.

I remember a particular speech she made on the Senate floor where she talked about her experiences growing up under the communistic regime of the Soviet Union. She was making a point about how precious our liberty is, how fortunate we are to be Americans, and how steadfastly we must defend our liberty.

At 21 years old, Victoria moved halfway around the world to escape the evils of socialism. She’s not about to let it creep into America. Most of us are Americans by birth, but Victoria had to earn the right to be an American. Today, she is a wife and mother of two daughters, a farmer, a business owner and a CPA.

We are about to choose a new candidate to represent us in Congress. We are fortunate to have 16 Republican candidates from which to choose in the upcoming primary. There are several good candidates in that field of 16, but there is only one Victoria Spartz.

If you place a high value on liberty, low taxes, and a smaller federal government, then please choose Victoria Spartz. She is every bit as courageous as she is conservative.

Mike Gaskill

Indiana State Senator, District 26
