Pendleton reader asks you to vote Susan Byer for County Treasurer

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Dear Readers,

I would like to ask the residents of Hamilton County to vote for Susan Byer for Hamilton County Treasurer in the upcoming election ‪on June 2. As a 20-year employee of the Treasurer’s Office, I am putting my support behind Susan Byer.

Susan is more than qualified for the position of Hamilton County Treasurer.  I have worked with Susan in the Treasurer’s Office for over 13 years, and during that time, she has showed great skill in handling public funds that came into our office and has always exemplified outstanding customer service to the citizens of Hamilton County.

Susan is one of the most honest, hardworking people I know. Susan Byer is not a career politician, but is someone who will commit fully to her work every day and give 110 percent. This is the kind of person I want to work for.

Susan treats everyone with respect and that is the kind of leadership we need in the Hamilton County Treasurer’s Office.

As a current – unless I’m fired for this letter – and longtime employee of the Hamilton County Treasurer’s Office, I am asking you to please vote for Republican candidate Susan Byer for Hamilton County Treasurer ‪on June 2.


Pam Watson


4 Comments on "Pendleton reader asks you to vote Susan Byer for County Treasurer"

  1. Nancy Webb | April 22, 2020 at 7:30 am |

    For those of you who read Pam Watson’s Letters to the Editor on April 15th and today, I agree with Pam’s assessment of Susan Byer. I also worked with Susan in the Treasurer’s Office .
    Any Department can fall victim to “business as usual” and “that’s the way we always have done it” mentality. The office has been led by the current regime for the past 16 years. Hamilton County residents deserve new leadership.


  2. Pamela Watson | April 22, 2020 at 1:00 pm |

    Response to Bryan! As far as I know it is a free country to support any candidate I choose. I choose to support Susan Byer, Republican running for Hamilton County Treasurer.

  3. Pam Watson | April 22, 2020 at 9:04 pm |

    Bryan Good, I, Pam also worked for Marsh for 20 years. And was never called a libtard or democrap untill I worked in the Treasurer’s office. I still feel I have a right to choose who I want to support and you can call me anything you want if it makes you feel better!

  4. Bryan Good, I, Pam also worked for Marsh for 20 years. And was never called a libtard or democrap untill I worked in the Treasurer’s office. I still feel I have a right to choose who I want to support and you can call me anything you want if it makes you feel better!

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