And it came to pass …

From the Heart

Someday, it will all be better. But … I will have found a different normal.

I’m usually up by 7:30. I soon find myself at our kitchen table. After a must-have cup of coffee, I settle into my devotions with a page out of “Jesus Calling.” Funny how it seems to have a calming effect as I read the words written so long ago, yet are a balm for today. The scriptures reaffirm what my soul needs to hear. It’s going to be okay.

I journal and then read the Indianapolis Star with Chuck. He does the crossword puzzle, Sudoku and Jumble. I do the Jumble.

Next I sift through a few pages of the current book I am reading. It’s by Lisa Terkeurst, titled It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way. I bought it last fall and hadn’t had time to read it. Well, this is definitely the perfect time for it.

Disappointment. Dilemma. Fear. Trying to make sense of the unfair. So many ughs!

I’ve often said that my favorite scripture is, “And it came to pass.” I find it several places in the Bible. Oh, how I want this pandemic to pass.

The words “fear not” are found 365 times in the Bible. I’ve repeated them several times over in the past few weeks. Chuck reminded me that we have 366 days this year. Oh my!

Fear of the unknown. Fear of what could be. Fear of something I can’t see. Fear is wrapped in the decisions I make every day.

Finding my way through the maze of the day. Keeping busy in new ways. My routine is out of sorts, out of character and definitely something I am not comfortable with.

My house has had a good spring cleaning. I’ve organized drawers, cupboards and our desks. From the baseboards to the ceilings. Now dust away, dust away, dust away all!

I’ve had time to do the things I always wanted time to do. Who knew I would become a jigsaw puzzle addict?

I have walked all over Noblesville. I find my fuel for my several mile walk at Noble Coffee and Tea. I have greeted strangers with a sincere smile and “How are you doing?” I am usually found with my walking buddy and best friend, Patrice, as we “social distance” walk our way around the streets of Noblesville. Actually, the sidewalks as we are not street walkers.

I’ve noticed the lion statues on Conner Street wearing their protective masks. I’ve smiled as we passed by Adrienne’s Flowers with flowers on the porch for people to “porch it forward.”

The sidewalk chalk artwork designs have been better that any art gallery displays. They are gifts from the heart of the artists. Some are amazingly creative.

Children are being taught more than e-learning. They are being taught compassion, kindness and yes, resilience.

The definition of resilience is to become strong, healthy or successful after something bad happens. Hello coronavirus!

I thought things like this only happened in horror movies … which I never watch.

I think we all will find a new normal and that we were more resilient than we ever imagined we could be. Who knew we would ever be sheltering-in-place, self-isolating or social distancing. I’m sure those will be answers on Jeopardy someday.

Those my age are truly survivors. The blizzard of 1978. 9/11. Pandemic of 2020. Oh, the stories that will be told.

We will get through this and we will find that we are okay with the new normal. And I can again say, “And it came to pass.”