Beckwith: Pelosi’s partisan politics putting Americans in harm’s way

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Dear Editor:

Americans are hurting. There is chaos and confusion from the media sweeping our country while President Trump and his administration work to combat COVID-19. While Americans are coming together to support one another during this pandemic, Nancy Pelosi and her liberal colleagues were busy holding up much-needed funding for families and businesses.

Now is not the time for partisan politics.

When our government officials were supposed to be working together to ensure the safety and security of our nation, Pelosi was pushing her own political agenda. As a pro-life candidate endorsed by Indiana Right to Life, I find it unacceptable that Pelosi attempted to work abortion funding into the relief legislation.

The amount of sweetheart deals for liberal special interest groups packed into the legislation was almost unfathomable. Almost.

We need conservatives in Congress who will fight against Pelosi and her liberal allies. As your next congressman, I’ll do just that.

Micah Beckwith

Candidate for Congress
