Carl Brizzi no longer soliciting donations for Congressional run


Former Marion County Prosecutor and candidate for Indiana’s 5th Congressional District Carl Brizzi released the following statement about Indiana’s upcoming primary election:


“Due to the Coronavirus greatly upsetting the local and national economies, I will no longer be soliciting campaign contributions for the remainder of the primary campaign. Hoosiers are out of work and watching their hard-earned retirement savings plummet. Now is not the time to expect anyone to contribute money to a political campaign.

“Running an effective campaign is expensive especially now when the shift is to digital ads and media buys to reach voters instead of town halls, forums and meet and greets. To that end, Kim and I have put our own money into the campaign, and will do so again if needed.

“We are living in uncertain times and folks need to trust their gut. I am the only the person running who is experienced, tested and tough enough to win and hold the 5th District – just as I did in Marion County as prosecutor.”