Mike Davis asks you to support Dillinger

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Hello Hamilton County,

I have known Steve Dillinger since the sixth grade. He was my Noblesville Grinder Football Coach. He instilled in me the value of hard work, humility, teamwork, faith, honor and coming together for a common cause. Since those early years, I have always kept in touch with him.

Later in my late 20’s, we became friends, and I went on several fishing trips with him. Decades later, he still continues to be a strong leader for our community in so many ways.

I admire the work Steve Dillinger has accomplished while in office. He has been someone who has made my city a great place to grow up and raise a family in.

Steve Dillinger will always put Hamilton County first and look out for the taxpayers. His commitment to the people of Hamilton County has been unwavering, and I am honored to call him my Friend, Coach, and Hamilton County Commissioner.

Please join me in voting for Steve Dillinger for Hamilton County Commissioner.

Mike Davis

Noblesville City Councilor