Prevail Team Spotlight: Kelly Ferriell, Youth Team Supervisor


This month’s Prevail Team Spotlight features Kelly Ferriell, Youth Team Supervisor at Prevail, Inc.

1.) How long have you been at Prevail and what is your position?

I have worked for Prevail for seven years. I started as an intern and now I am the Youth Advocacy Supervisor.

2.) What do you like most about working for Prevail?

Every day is different and new. I am always learning new things, meeting new people, and get to be creative and curious.

3.) Who is your hero?

My heroes are the individuals who recognize they need support and reach out for help. I get to work with my heroes every day: Teens. They teach me so much and I am really excited to see how their creativity and wisdom will continue to shape our world.

4.) What is your favorite quote?

“You must be the change you want to see in the world.” – Gandhi

5.) What would you sing at Karaoke night?

I LOVE Hanson, so any Hanson song would be my choice.

6.) What motivates you the most to serve others?

I believe it is possible to create a community that does not tolerate violence. My role at Prevail gives me the opportunity to work on this goal in many different ways and collaborate with many people.

7.) If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Pepperoni pizza … with lots of cheese, please!

8.) What is your proudest accomplishment?

I am proud of my growth at Prevail. I started as an intern when I was in college and then worked as an advocate part time while I completed the last semester of college. I started working full-time two days after I graduated college. I left Prevail for a few years to try some other jobs and always felt that a part of my heart was missing. So, when I had the opportunity to come back to Prevail, I did!

9.) What animal do you most identify with, and why?

I wish I could morph into a cat. I envy their naps in the sun and their ability to do what they want without feeling ashamed about it. And they are really flexible!

10.) Favorite Prevail memory?

My favorite Prevail memory so far was the first day Odle brought me one of his toys. I had been training to be a handler for him, which is a challenging process to say the least. After several weeks of working with him and practicing the things I had learned, Odle brought me one of his Beanie Baby toys and dropped it on my feet so we could play. In that moment I realized he accepted me as part of his pack, and that is an amazing feeling.

11.) Favorite self-care practice?

My favorite self-care routine is to put on my headphones, listen to music, and color. The more intricate and complicated the design, the more fun it is.