You can save a life through organ donation

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Dear Editor:

The Children’s Organ Transplant Association (COTA) has been removing the financial barriers for families facing transplants for more than three decades. Right here in Indianapolis, a group of caring and committed volunteers are working hard to do just that for the Deaver family.

COTA organizes communities across the country to raise funds for transplant-related expenses.  Sydney Deaver, 1, has received a heart transplant. Sydney’s family has turned to COTA for assistance, support and guidance.

COTA funds help with expenses such as food and lodging while the family is at the transplant center; transportation to and from the transplant center; co-pays, deductibles and medications, and assistance with household expenses while a parent is out of work during the time of the transplant. All of these expenses add up quickly and can stand in the way of a child receiving a life-saving transplant. Transplant-related expenses last a lifetime due to anti-rejection medications, follow-up visits and sometimes another transplant.

You can help.

Transplant families from every corner of this country have worked with COTA. Since 1986, generous individuals have made contributions to help ensure transplant-needy children and young adults receive a life-saving transplant.

April is National Donate Life Month. Every day 22 people die waiting for an organ transplant in the United States. One organ donor can save eight lives. Sydney needs you to go to and sign up to be a designated organ and/or tissue donor, and to support COTA in honor of her at

Thank you.

Lacey Walden

Public Relations Coordinator, COTA for Sydney D.